Radiation Heat Transfer

View Factor Orientation (or View factor or shape factor) plays an important role in radiation heat transfer. View factor is defined as, "fraction of radiation leaving surface 'i' and strike 'j' ". Summation Rule (View Factor) If there is are similar surfaces 'i' and 'j' , then: Blackbody Radiation Exchange Radiation Exchange between Opaque, Diffuse, Gray surfaces in an Enclosure 1. Opaque 2. Surfaces 3. Two surface enclosure Radiation Shield It is used to protect surfaces from radiation act like a reflective surface. References: Material from Class Lectures + Book named Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Theodore L. Bergman + My knowledge.  Photoshoped pics  are developed.  Some pics and GIF from Google.   Videos from YouTube ( Engineering Sights ).

Kinematics Of A Particle


It is the branch of physics which deals with forces acting on a body at rest or motion.


It is the branch of mechanics in which we study motion of bodies and forces which are doing this.
Dynamics are further divided into two:
  • Kinematics  →  It tells about geometric aspect of motion.
  • Kinetics  →  It deals with the analysis of forces causing motion.
Following definitions are important to describe the motion of a body:
  • Displacement  →  The shortest possible path followed by a particle.
  • Speed  →  Distance per unit time is called Speed.
  • Velocity  →  Displacement per unit time is called Velocity.
  • Average Velocity  →  Algebraic sum of displacements per unit change in time.
  • Average speed  →  Mathematical sum of distances per unit change in time.
  • Instantaneous Velocity  →  Velocity at any instant when time tends to zero or velocity for very short interval of time.
  • Acceleration  →  Change in velocity with respect to change in time.
  • Instantaneous Acceleration  →  Acceleration at any instant when time tends to zero or acceleration for very short interval of time.

Irregular Motion or Erratic Motion:

The position time dependence cannot be fully captured by only one time period but use time intervals.
There are three types of kinematic graphs which are as follows:
1. For Change in Velocity, you should have a-t graph.
2. For displacement, you should have v-t graph.

3. For acceleration, you have constant velocity times the slope of v-s graph.
To calculate velocity, acceleration and displacement watch the video given below:

General Curvilinear Motion:

The motion of body along a curved path is called general curvilinear motion.
  • If change in time is very small, line between points becomes straight and form tangent to position vector.
  • Osculating Plane  →  refers to the plane which contains arc on which we are focusing on.
  • The 3D motion is considered as a sequence of 2D motion. 
General curvilinear motion is described by three coordinate systems which are given below:

1. By Rectangular Components:

These rectangular components dependence on the instant position of particle locus. Only use this coordinates system when the path followed by a particle is known or its coordinates are known.
The velocity and acceleration for curvilinear motion using rectangular coordinates system is given by:

2. By Normal & Tangential Components:

Always use these coordinates when path of particle is known and there is homogeneity in the curve. The n-axis always act towards the center of curvature 'O'.
The acceleration of the particle following a curve path is given by:
Where, tangential and normal components of acceleration are:
There are two cases which is produced by changing the curve or making constant velocity of particle which are:
  1. Particle moves along a Straight line  →  radius of curvature becomes infinity (⍴ → ∞) which makes an = 0.
  2. Particle moves along a curve with constant speed  →  change in velocity with respect to time becomes zero (at = 0).

3. By Cylindrical Coordinates:

The motion of particle is also described by cylindrical coordinates in which:
  • Radial coordinate which have direction outward from the origin.
  • Transverse coordinate which have counter-clockwise angle between reference line and radial axis.
The velocity of particle following the curve path is given by:
And, the acceleration of particle is given by:

Motion Of Projectile:

It is the motion of an object by its own inertia by the downward force of gravity. Main points for projectile motion is given by:
  • Motion is along curved path and under action of gravity.
  • Equations of motion are applied.

Dependent Motion:

The motion of bodies when one body moves relative to other or when both bodies are interconnected is called Dependent Motion.
  • It uses single fixed reference frame.
There are two cases to describe dependent motion which are as follows:

1. Analysis Of Two Interconnected Particles:

To calculate the motion of interconnected particles, follow these steps given below:

  • Generate Datum.
  • Represent the position.
  • Recognize the constant lengths.
  • Describe depending relations between position variables.  

2. Relative Motion Using Translating Reference Frame:

Translating frame of reference is describe by x', y', z' and fixed frame by x, y, z. The position vectors are related to each other by:
For velocity differentiate with respect to time and for acceleration differentiate twice, we get:
  • Why do we learn Dynamics? Watch to find the question's answer:
  • In this course we only learn Linear dynamics, if you are interested into dynamics have a little overview of Non-Linear Dynamics:


  • Material from Class Lectures + Book named Engineering Mechanics Statics & Dynamics by R.C. Hibbeler (12th Edition) + from YouTube channel named Yiheng Wang for Engineering Dynamics Mechanics + my knowledge. 
  • Pics and GIF from Google Images.  
  • Videos from YouTube.


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