Radiation Heat Transfer

View Factor Orientation (or View factor or shape factor) plays an important role in radiation heat transfer. View factor is defined as, "fraction of radiation leaving surface 'i' and strike 'j' ". Summation Rule (View Factor) If there is are similar surfaces 'i' and 'j' , then: Blackbody Radiation Exchange Radiation Exchange between Opaque, Diffuse, Gray surfaces in an Enclosure 1. Opaque 2. Surfaces 3. Two surface enclosure Radiation Shield It is used to protect surfaces from radiation act like a reflective surface. References: Material from Class Lectures + Book named Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Theodore L. Bergman + My knowledge.  Photoshoped pics  are developed.  Some pics and GIF from Google.   Videos from YouTube ( Engineering Sights ).

Kinetics Of A Particle: Impulse & Momentum

Principle Of Linear Impulse And Momentum:

The basis of principle of linear impulse and momentum is given by:
The above equation can be written as:
 The above equation is called Principle of Linear and Momentum.
  • Impulse measures the effect of force during small time period 'dt'.
  • Momentum (is the strength of motion) is associated with the states of process.
  • Impulse are associated with process caused by external force.

For System Of Particles:

For system of particles, the principle of linear impulse and momentum is written as the summation for number of particles:
  • Individual Particle Velocity (Vi) = Velocity of center of mass (Vg).
  • Summation Of individual particle (mi) = Total mass of body (m).

Conservation Of Linear Momentum For System Of Particles:

If the sum of external impulse of the system of particles is zero, then Principle of linear momentum and impulse becomes:
There are two types of force on the basis of Impulse which are described ahead:
  • Non-Impulsive Force  →  If forces produce negligible amount of impulse.
  • Impulsive Force  →  If force produce significant amount of impulse due to the striking of one body against other. Impulsive force require Impulse Momentum Analysis.


It refers to the collision between bodies characterized by large contact forces in very short time interval.
Impact is further divided into two types which are:
  • Central Impact  →  If the colliding motion of two particles is along the line of impact.
  • Oblique Impact  →  If the direction of one or both particles is at some angle with the line of impact.

Analysis Of Central Impact:

Consider particles as deformable or non-rigid bodies which pass through several stages which are described as:
There are two types of impulse which we should know for proper understanding of this topic.
  1. Deformation Impulse  →  The impulse which is applied on bodies during collision and can deform other body.
  2. Restitution Impulse  →  The reaction impulse which is applied to remove bodies in contact during collision.
Always keep in mind that deformation impulse is greater than deformation impulse i.e ∫ P dt  > ∫ R dt.
Applying Principle of Linear Momentum and Impulse, we get:
For body A, Separating the deformation Impulse:
There are two cases for impact which are:
  • Elastic Impact  →  If coefficient of restitution is 1 (e = 1) that means deformation impulse is equal to the restitution impulse.
  • Plastic Impact  →  If coefficient of restitution is 0 (e = 0) that means restitution impulse is zero and bodies stick to each other.

Analysis Of Oblique Impact:

Momentum of the system along X-axis is conserved to applying conservation of linear momentum
And, applying principle of impulse and linear momentum along Y-axis.
The coefficient of Restitution is given by:

Angular Momentum:

Angular momentum is defined as: "Moment of linear momentum". In Scalar formulation:
In vector formulation: Angular momentum is the cross product of position vector and momentum. 

Relation Between Moment Of A Force & Angular Momentum:

The moment of a force is defined as the cross product of position vector and force. Mathematically:

Principle Of Angular Impulse & Momentum:

According to the relation between angular momentum and moment of a force:
After integration:

The above equation can be written as:

Conservation Of Angular Momentum:

If there is no angular impulse between bodies, then:
  • How impulse and momentum are measured? See the video given below:


  • Material from Class Lectures + Book named Engineering Mechanics Statics & Dynamics by R.C. Hibbeler (12th Edition) + from YouTube channel named Yiheng Wang for Engineering Dynamics Mechanics + my knowledge. 
  • Pics and GIF from Google Images.  
  • Videos from YouTube.


  1. Can you give me applications of angular momentum and impulse?
    What's the future use of that?

  2. Anything which has the ability to rotate a body about its mean position or falcrum is called Angular Momentum.
    Application are swings, cab be used in rocker arm of camshaft and many more. You can see more applications from https://youtu.be/sbEAmtvgGMo


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