Radiation Heat Transfer

View Factor Orientation (or View factor or shape factor) plays an important role in radiation heat transfer. View factor is defined as, "fraction of radiation leaving surface 'i' and strike 'j' ". Summation Rule (View Factor) If there is are similar surfaces 'i' and 'j' , then: Blackbody Radiation Exchange Radiation Exchange between Opaque, Diffuse, Gray surfaces in an Enclosure 1. Opaque 2. Surfaces 3. Two surface enclosure Radiation Shield It is used to protect surfaces from radiation act like a reflective surface. References: Material from Class Lectures + Book named Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Theodore L. Bergman + My knowledge.  Photoshoped pics  are developed.  Some pics and GIF from Google.   Videos from YouTube ( Engineering Sights ).

Piping Or Industrial Process Of Piping

Image result for piping

Industrial Process Of Piping:

Industrial process of piping involves the usage of piping to transport fluids between storage tanks and processing equipment.

Types Of Piping:

  1. Plumbing 
  2. Civil Piping
  3. Transportation Piping

Uses Of Industrial Piping:

  • Water 
  • Natural Gas 
  • Electric Power
  • Specially items like paper pulp or liquid foods 
  • Sewer
  • Storm drains, etc.

Pipe Drafting:

Pipe can be drawn into two forms Double-line & Single-line. Pipe drafting utilizes many different types of drawings:
  • Flow Diagrams 
  • Structural and Site plans
  • Mechanical and Instrumentation Drawings

Iso-Symbols Of Fittings:

It is a mechanical tool which is used to join two or more components together.

Iso-Symbols Of Flanges:

A flange is a method of connecting pipes, valves, pumps and other equipment to form a piping system.

Iso-Symbols Of Valves:

A valve is a device that regulates the flow of fluids, fluidised solids, slurries  or liquid, by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways.

Isometric Drawing Offsets:

Hatches on isometric drawings being applied, to indicate that a pipe runs at a certain angle and in which direction the pipe runs. 
There are two types of offsets:

  1. Horizontal Offset
  2. Vertical Offset 

Types Of Valves :

Following are the types of valves used in Mechanical Engineering:

1. Gate Valves:

A gate valve is a linear motion valve used to start or stop fluid flow. It doesn't regulate or throttle flow.

2. Globe Valve:

A globe valve is linear motion valve used to stop, start, regulate flow of fluid.

Image result for globe valve

3. Butterfly Valve:

A butterfly valve is a rotary motion valve that is used to start, stop, and regulate fluid flow. It can be easily and quickly operated because a 90-degree rotation of the handle moves the disk from a fully closed to fully opened position.
 Related image

4. Check Valve:

Check valve are designed to prevent the reversal of flow in a piping system. These valves are activated by the flow materials in the pipeline. 


  1. You should provide video tutorials for Engineering Drawing for the better visualization. That's just to make you realize Engineering is visualization not theoretical. Hope you understand this������


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